❄Who's ready for the #snow?
Weren’t we just complaining about 93 degree weather not too long ago? Well now it’s time to think about #winter and we’ve had some #cold temperatures already to help us think about it! If you have a #snowplow, now is the time to have an #inspection done to make sure everything is ready for the first #snowfall.
❄Here’s what we look at/for and #fix when we inspect your snow plow:
Plow Shoes
Plow & Mount Fasteners
Cracks in Welds
Grease Moving Contact Points
Electrical Connections
Hydraulic Fluid
If you can’t make the #inspections yourself, call us and we’ll assemble your plow, bring it in to our #shop for the inspections and drop it back off when we're done. You will then be
ready for our first snow and you'll be ready to plow with confidence! #FirstChoiceAuto #FirstChoiceFleet